Did you know that patients with headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, TMJ, neck pain, neck tension, neck stiffness, upper back pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, mid back pain, weak core, low back pain, slipped disc, pinched nerve, nerve entrapment, sciatica, hip pain, iliotibial band syndrome (ITB), knee pain, foot & ankle pain, heel spurs, plantar fascitis, sinusitis, earache, allergies, asthma, indigestion, ADD, ADHD, TBI, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, poor immunity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, numbness, paresthesia, and neuropathy come to our office for help? What are you waiting for? REQUEST APPOINTMENT
Nordic Naturals, Natural Vitality, and Garden of Life that benefit fatigue, depression, dry, itchy skin, brittle hair & nails, inability to concentrate, joint pain, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, unexplained weight gain. We currently carry Omega- 3 ( fish oil) with Vitamin D3, probiotiocs, digestive enzymes, B-complex, and antioxidants, multi-vitamins, and RAW FIT to help with your weight loss needs!
Proudly serving Louisville’s East End for the past seven years including Anchorage, Middletown, Crestwood, Pee Wee Valley (40223, 40245), Lyndon, JTown, Goshen, Prospect, Anthem, Ford, Chevron employees, residents of Lake Forest, Forest Springs, Fox Run, Woodmont, Notting Hill, and The Polo Fields. Positively reviewed on Angie’s List!
Full Spine/Diversified, Thompson Drop Table, Gonstead, Toggle, Activator (non protocol), Extremities
Phone: 502.253.1135 | Fax: 502.253.1136
Email: Staff@askdoctorjulie.net